2022 in Review


Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone can do a little reflecting on 2022 as we move into 2023. I feel like the last three years were a sort of fever dream. Things got really weird when Covid hit the world stage and the years have blurred since then. I made a lot of changes and growth since then. I cut out the news from my life (mostly). I locked down with my little family. It took two years for me to actually get the viral infection and believe me it kicked my ass when I did.

2022 was my favorite year yet. There were tons of incredible milestones including marrying the woman of my dreams. I watched as businesses reopened and masks started to vanish. Gatherings finally started to feel normal. There were also hardships, like the loss of family members. Reminders about how fickle life is. Reminders of how important it is to make the most out of each day.

2022 was a year of philanthropy for me. A year of chasing goals and pursuing passions. A year of refining myself as a man and ironing out my future. Narrowing ambitions and opening my heart to opportunities to give back. 2022 was a humbling year and taught me many lessons that I am taking with me into 2023.

God Bless!

The anniversary of my injury is approaching in February and I will go into more details about what I have been up to in 2022 in that blog post as well as some of the volunteer work I’ve been doing. Thank you for reading.


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