Go Go Go

When did life get so crazy? Honestly. I feel like life has become nothing but the hustle & bustle. It’s weird feeling this way after a stagnant day of artwork in my wheelchair. In the comfort of my own home. Next to my sleeping dog and fiancĂ©. But here we are, looking back to what strangely feels like a simpler time. I found some “old” pictures of me and my brothers and cousins in NY after a surprise birthday get together for my grandma. We took this picture together after or before the dinner, not exactly sure when. All I know is that it’s a fond memory but it’s pretty tough to look at. Two of my cousins in that photo are together up in Heaven, God Bless them. I’m now wheeling around in a wheelchair. Some days it just hits me differently, today being one of those times… I was a junior in high school in that photo. Not a care in the world, just living in the moment with my family. You think I was thinking, “hey dude, enjoy this embrace because this may be the last time you get to h...