About Me


Who am I? There are a lot of ways that I could answer this question. I am Joshua Keller. I am a husband. A veteran. A quadriplegic. A faithful man. An artist. A guy who thinks he’s funnier than he actually is. Mostly, I’m just a guy from small town New Hampshire who faced the wrong side of a gun.

If you read through some of these blog posts then you’ll be able to gather my life’s story but I’ll do my best to summarize it here. In 2017, while serving in the United States Army, I was involved in a negligent shooting which altered my life’s path in countless ways. Since that fateful day, I’ve learned, grown and reshaped my entire existence. 

This blog is composed of many things, all of them equally different and equally important to me. My experiences, old and new. Stories of my past and present. Everything I’ve learned from my spinal cord injury. My struggles and my successes. My narrative therapy and things that have helped me.

If you are interested in one man’s life surrounding Spinal Cord Injury, then I urge you to do some digging through my blog. Thanks for reading.

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