No Place Like Home Town

I had some trouble sleeping last night so I got to thinking… no crazy artwork today, just some reflecting…

Soon after I was shot, my hometown of Hudson NH started a fundraising campaign called “Joshua Strong”. I remember coming out of my coma to my mom showing me these pictures of the girls basketball team wearing the fundraising t-shirts and I broke down crying. Who was I to deserve this? Those shirts made their way all through out the country and my dad showed me every single picture. Humbled doesn’t even begin to describe it…

 In my reflecting it hit me, these ladies are all now the same age that I was when I was shot. The current seniors at the school were in the 7th grade when I was injured with absolutely no idea who I even am. Time is a crazy thing but every time I look back on these pictures I am reminded about my small New England town rallying around me from across the country. 5 years later these pictures still hit me. What a beautiful reminder of kindness & support. I am forever grateful.

God Bless!


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