Family Friday - Jake’s POV

Being the youngest of 3 has its ups and downs. Zach and Josh always got the back seat of the van. Zach and Josh had the big bedroom, and to top it all off, they had the TV in their bedroom! Back then it seemed unfair that they received special treatment and I didn't. As I grew older I learned to realize that our possessions aren't what define us. Looking back on it, it doesn't seem justified to think that they had it great and I didn't. Guess who got to go food shopping with mom and pick ANY candy that I wanted? Yeah, me! Because of their negligence I was given a much later (and realistic) curfew. 

I think an issue that we have as a society is that we tend to not live in the moment. Huge corporations go under, presidential candidates announce their run for office, wars get waged, people get life threatening injuries and only then do we take a step back to realize that things were better before. 

Josh joined his war and started his army career with Basic training right before I started my Junior year of high school. By that time I thought of myself as self sustainable. I had my own car that I bought with my cupcake money. I had a solid friend group, a few good after school jobs, and a girlfriend. I could do it all by myself! So why would Josh join up if I could do it all at only 17? I didnt understand why he wanted to leave Hudson to risk getting killed halfway across the world by a man he's never wronged for $35,000 a year. Time passed after he left and as the days went by I spent my time as most of us do, living in my bubble. We wrote a few letters while he was in Basic training, but nothing stood out, it seemed like only after 2 months we had too many differences.

It wasn't until my family and I visted Josh after one of his training graduations (RASP I think?) that I realized why he may have joined.  Seeing Josh in such great physical and mental health was great to see, and made me realize that his Army career is going to be great for him. He made huge strides to accomplish something many cant achieve. He was truly headstrong, mentally and physically.

Not long after that visit to see Josh graduate in Georgia, Zach decided he wanted to leave Hudson and join up. This time I got it, I understood why he wanted to go. But it was different; the twins are going to be back together, and I won't have anyone in my corner at home anymore. 

I'm strong, I dont need that emotional brother connection to get by, hell I don't need anybody to connect with heart to heart. But it felt nice having Zach at home. Once he left it was back to my bubble. It was good having him gone, not just because I finally had the basement to myself, and that TV in my bedroom. But because I knew that Josh and Zach are much better together than one of them stuck with me. They preferred each others company. Why wouldn't they? They're basically the same person.

Zach wouldn't have done any good if he was at home on Feb. 11 2017. You all know the story, what happened, how it happened, and how lives changed.

Josh's injury sparked some changes for me. I now know that I didnt receive the short end of the popsicle stick. Ive learned to grow with what I'm given. I (try to) live in the moment; not think about how much work I have ahead of me.

I hope that this can reach someone out there. Don't forget to live your life before it's too late. 


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