Silver Linings
“Every cloud has its silver lining”.

If that is true then my cloud is a hurricane. A lot of people have asked me how life is going as if they’re expecting me to give them an answer about how difficult it is or how horrible my new struggles are. My answer is always the same, “life is great”. Truthfully, my life is great. All trials of my new handicap aside, I am doing great. I have a beautiful home with the woman of my dreams and I have found peace. I often find random silver linings regarding wheelchair life throughout my days, so I began to make a list. I have fun finding the good in my situation and I hope that you enjoy my silver linings.
If that is true then my cloud is a hurricane. A lot of people have asked me how life is going as if they’re expecting me to give them an answer about how difficult it is or how horrible my new struggles are. My answer is always the same, “life is great”. Truthfully, my life is great. All trials of my new handicap aside, I am doing great. I have a beautiful home with the woman of my dreams and I have found peace. I often find random silver linings regarding wheelchair life throughout my days, so I began to make a list. I have fun finding the good in my situation and I hope that you enjoy my silver linings.
The most obvious silver lining is the parking. Everyone sees the handicap car with the handicap plate parked crooked over two spots and no one cares (unless you are also handicap (reference my last post)). It is an obvious convenience to be able to pull right up to a building and roll right in.
Growing up I usually had one or two pairs of shoes per year. Once I started making my own money I invested in shoes. My Vans and skateboarding shoes never lasted long because I would usually accidentally roast them on my motorcycle exhaust. I bought a pair of steel toe cowboy boots in Washington and wore those suckers down. I would still be wearing them daily if I didn’t have to worry about my feet so much now and I miss them dearly. Recently I have been on a Converse hightop craze. I ordered a few custom pairs of Chuck Taylors and it hit me. No walking means no dirty worn down shoes. These Chucks are going to last forever! I’d say that’s a pretty sweet “glass half full” point of view.
Speaking of shoes and feet... I have been cursed with two left feet. If it wasn’t “The Cotton-eyed Joe” or a simple two-step at a country bar, I was S.O.L.. I have promised Kass and myself that when I find my way out of my wheelchair, we are going to take ball room dancing lessons. Anyway, now when the music plays I get to sit down and not embarrass myself out on the dance floor at weddings. As much as I do miss making a fool of myself, now I can scurry off and get away with it. Honestly it’s probably for the best that you all don’t have to see me being awkward and lanky out there, so you’re welcome...
And what happens when you dance? That’s right, you sweat. Obviously sweating is good because it is your body’s way of regulating it’s temperature and not overheating. Well guess what doesn’t happen for me?... That’s right, sweat. Being such a high level cervical injury means that my body has difficulty regulating its temperature(it doesn’t). I don’t shiver and I don’t sweat, which is why you will often find me in a hoodie (or sitting in front of a Walmart fireplace) in the heat of summer like I am right now. Layers are my best friend because I would rather be hot and comfortable than to have the chills and not be able to stop them. So anatomically, my lack of sweat is bad but personally, it is a silver lining.
While we’re on the topic of heat and comfort, I will say that one of my favorite silver linings is that it is socially acceptable for me to be in sweatpants AT ALL TIMES. I love sweatpants and no one gets to question that now that I am handicapped. For my sweatpants I will happily play the handicap card.
There are so many things that I can’t do and I will always choose not to dwell on them. I would much rather look at the positives and focus on these small, random silver linings that just keep on popping up.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” - Dr. Wayne Dyer
God Bless.
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