Alive-versary Year 6

6 years… 2,190 days since I walked past the wrong end of a .45 hollow point. Six years of some of my highest highs and certainly some of my lowest lows. Days, weeks, months and years slowly starting to blur together. My wheelchair starting to become just another decision that I make each morning. Starting to become an extension of my body. I can’t help but think back to the team meetings we’d have each Wednesday while I was in the hospital. My therapists going over my care plan with my doctor while I reclined my power chair because my blood pressure was crashing. Hearing them say the word “years” stung a part of my soul. “How is this my reality?” I thought while feeling the blood circulate back to my head. I look over to my mom who attended most of these meetings with me. She sat there so thankful that her son was alive. Me… not so much. Here I sit in 2023. The culmination of 6 years of struggles and suffering. Enough “daily grind” to break most people. Yet, somehow we...