Be a Survivor
No, I’m not talking about the TV show. This post may come off a little insensitive so I’ll apologize ahead of time. After a traumatic incident you’re faced with two options. You can fight back and push, or you can fold like a lawn chair. You can be a survivor or a victim. Part of me navigating this injury has been finding support groups. My faith. My family. My friends. My doctor. My psychologist. My town. Hell, even my puppy. Social media can be a great tool to find like minded groups of people but it also opens a window into some of the ugliness out there. I’ve seen some pretty shitty people in my relatively short stint in the Army so some of my expectations of people can be pretty low, but somehow someone comes along and sets a new and improved standard. Some of the most toxic people that I’ve had the displeasure of witnessing, unfortunately have been members of a spinal cord injury support page with tens of thousands of “like minded” people on Facebook. I throw quotations arou...