Alive-versary Year 8

Well.. here we are. Another 365 days of being paralyzed. Another 365 days of gratitude and love. Another 365 days of trying to live intentionally and love hard. I’m not going to lie to you, this year was a difficult one; harder than most have been. These annual reflections on my alive-day help me immensely though. They help me to view the bigger picture rather than the challenging screenshots that come from living “one day at a time”. I’m grateful that I’ve maintained the tradition of writing a reflection each year despite pivoting this blog (for the most part) to art, comics and humor. This injury is like anything else in life. It’s going to have its highs and lows and they will ebb and flow. Year 7 to 8 saw my nerve pain jump through the roof. It came at the same time that I had been trying to taper down my medications (which I’m stubbornly still doing) so that certainly hasn’t helped with the pain. I keep distracted and try to see pain for what it is… something that I ca...