My Top Ten Impactful Films as a Quadriplegic

Warning: proceed with caution, spoilers ahead. I will mark the movie spoilers with a red font if you want to skip them. Number 1: “Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot” This movie is on Amazon prime video and is an extremely well put together biopic following the life and trials of Portland cartoonist & quadriplegic John Callahan. John had a hard upbringing and never came to terms with it and self treated his anxiety with alcohol. This film follows him dealing with quadriplegia among many other obstacles after a drunk driving accident that left him paralyzed. The main focus on the film is the way that John fights his addiction to alcohol by joining AA. Sober & with a clear mind, John finds love in an old nurse he had and he begins to draw crude and satirical comics. It gets very mixed reviews but John ignores the critics and becomes a comic staple item in Portland, OR. A few different things really stick out for me from this movie. The first thing that I had to ask ...