The Keyboard Effect
Social media is a great tool to use these days for so many different applications. With all of the free time that I have now, I find myself more and more absorbed into it. To be honest, if I didn’t have the blog then I think that I would probably delete my personal Facebook account. It just has it’s claws in me too deeply. The tricky thing about running a blog account is trying to maintain transparency. Is it deceiving if I only post my milestones and good events? What about the days that suck? The days that start and I instantly want to try again the next day? What about those days? The lenses of social media certainly make that pretty tough. Most of what you see on my Facebook and Instagram accounts are my personal leaps and bounds in my recovery process, pictures of my beautiful girlfriend Kass and also a plethora of pictures of my dog Kona. I’ll often post pictures of myself out with friends and family. But what I don’t post enough of, if ever, are the bad days... and believe me th...